A form of alternative medicine, chiropractic focuses on the nerves and muscles of the spinal system offering relief to thousands of patients every year. Folks who suffer from spinal conditions such as painful necks find it hard to find long-lasting relief from these conditions. In severe cases, pain killers are entirely ineffective at offering any respite from the pain caused by spinal abnormalities.
The chiropractor’s intimate knowledge of the spine and nerves allows them to manipulate bone joints offering relief to the patient gently. It is rare that one visit to a chiropractor will resolve your pain issues, but after two or three consultations you will notice remarkable improvements in joint flexibility and decreased pain.
Chiropractic ethos
Chiropractic offers a service that rearranges the biomechanical and neural structure of the spine allowing the patient to regain spinal integrity while alleviating painful inflammation that is causing intense pain to the patient’s back. However, back pain is not the only issue when suffering from muscular-skeletal problems. Many people suffer from sciatica that can be caused by prolonged sitting and awkward stretching. Many sports buffs suffer from lower back issues such as sciatica, and the chiropractor can provide the perfect solution for pain relief.
Chiropractors prefer to offer a non-invasive intervention to spinal problems and with perseverance, the patient can fully recover from severe spine injuries. They are however part of a much more extensive network of health professionals, and they may refer you to another health professional if they feel a different underlying problem is causing your condition.
You can also expect plenty of advice from your chiropractor when it comes to taking care of your spine and muscles, like advice on ergonomics enabling the patient to gain a greater understanding of what has caused the spinal inflammation resulting in pain and discomfort.
What to expect from your first chiropractic visit
When you arrive at your chiropractor’s clinic, you will be asked to complete a simple questionnaire. The questions are not particularly probing, like your name, address, GP’s name and address, together with some brief details of your condition combined with your medical history. It is important to inform your chiropractor of any history of skeletal surgery, and in particular, if you have any screws and plates attached to your bone structure after an accident.
Your chiropractor will check your spinal column and assess how it is aligned. The next part will be the joint manipulation often referred to as back cracking. Don’t worry, as itis painless regardless of the loud cracking sound which can be disconcerting.
Are chiropractors trained health professionals?
Yes, chiropractors have attained their degree after a four-year university course. The course is intensive and qualifies them to manipulate the spine to reduce the inflammatory areas in and around your spine. They have undergone critical examinations where their knowledge of human anatomy has been tested.
About 50% of chiropractors are members of the British Chiropractic Association. As such, they are well aware of their professional accountability enforcing the ethics of chiropractic throughout the UK.
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